Abstract |
In the present study, the newly established mouse monoclonal antibody, Y-49, binding to a specific epitope of α-tubulin, was used to examine immunohistochemical reactivity in 116 patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). The protein was detected at elevated levels in the nuclei of human proliferating cells by western blot analysis, flow cytometry and immunohistochemical analysis. The relatively weak binding in the cytoplasm was evident in almost all cases. The investigation of the correlation between immuno-histochemical positivity and clinicopathological variables revealed links with the MIB-1 proliferation index and poor survival. Nuclear positivity with Y-49 was more frequent in older-aged patients, those with nodal NHL and in those who harbored the diffuse large B-cell histological subtype, and was strongly associated with high MIB-1 labeling indices (LIs). Survival analysis by the Kaplan-Meier method revealed statistically significant differences between patients with high and low Y-49 LIs (p=0.0181), even in the group with advanced (stage III/IV) disease (p=0.0327). Multivariate analysis revealed that overexpression of α-tubulin is an independent prognostic factor in NHL with a relative risk of 2.786.