RRC ID 73307
Author Konno A, Inaba K.
Title Region-Specific Loss of Two-Headed Ciliary Dyneins in Ascidian Endostyle.
Journal Zoolog Sci
Abstract A mucous secreting organ in ascidians, the endostyle, consists of several epithelial zones with different ciliary length, density, and beating direction. Here we found by transmission electron microscopy that long cilia in endostyle zone 1 showed 9 + 2 axonemal structures but completely lacked the outer arm dynein. In contrast, cilia in other zones bore both outer and inner dynein arms. Western blotting and immunofluorescence microscopy further revealed that zone 1 appeared to lack not only outer arm dynein but also two-headed inner arm dynein. These results suggest a mechanism for a region-specific gene suppression that causes the limited loss of two-headed axonemal dyneins in the endostyle epithelium. The loss of these dyneins in zone 1 is considered to contribute to the generation of undulating ciliary movement that is essential for a unique circuit of mucus flow in the endostyle.
Volume 37(6)
Pages 512-518
Published 2020-12-1
DOI 10.2108/zs200095
PMID 33269866
MeSH Animals Axonemal Dyneins / genetics Axonemal Dyneins / ultrastructure Cilia / ultrastructure* Ciona intestinalis / cytology Ciona intestinalis / genetics Ciona intestinalis / ultrastructure* Flagella / ultrastructure Male Microscopy, Electron, Transmission Spermatozoa / ultrastructure
IF 0.843
C.intestinalis / (O.japonicus) Wild C. int