RRC ID 73429
Author Okamoto K, Kamikubo Y, Yamauchi K, Okamoto S, Takahashi M, Ishida Y, Koike M, Ikegaya Y, Sakurai T, Hioki H.
Title Specific AAV2/PHP.eB-mediated gene transduction of CA2 pyramidal cells via injection into the lateral ventricle.
Journal Sci Rep
Abstract Given its limited accessibility, the CA2 area has been less investigated compared to other subregions of the hippocampus. While the development of transgenic mice expressing Cre recombinase in the CA2 has revealed unique features of this area, the use of mouse lines has several limitations, such as lack of specificity. Therefore, a specific gene delivery system is required. Here, we confirmed that the AAV-PHP.eB capsid preferably infected CA2 pyramidal cells following retro-orbital injection and demonstrated that the specificity was substantially higher after injection into the lateral ventricle. In addition, a tropism for the CA2 area was observed in organotypic slice cultures. Combined injection into the lateral ventricle and stereotaxic injection into the CA2 area specifically introduced the transgene into CA2 pyramidal cells, enabling us to perform targeted patch-clamp recordings and optogenetic manipulation. These results suggest that AAV-PHP.eB is a versatile tool for specific gene transduction in CA2 pyramidal cells.
Volume 13(1)
Pages 323
Published 2023-1-6
DOI 10.1038/s41598-022-27372-8
PII 10.1038/s41598-022-27372-8
PMID 36609635
PMC PMC9822962
MeSH Animals Dependovirus / genetics Gene Transfer Techniques Genetic Vectors* / genetics Lateral Ventricles* Mice Mice, Transgenic Pyramidal Cells Transduction, Genetic
IF 3.998
Human and Animal Cells 293T(RCB2202)
DNA material pAAV2 SynTetOff FLEX-[hChR2-mCherry] (RDB20350) pAAV2-SynTetOff-mRFP1 (RDB20351)