RRC ID 74071
著者 Emilio Garcia‐Rosello, Jacinto Gonzalez‐Dacosta, Cástor Guisande, Jorge M. Lobo
タイトル GBIF falls short of providing a representative picture of the global distribution of insects
ジャーナル Systematic Entomology
Abstract The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) is the largest databank on primary biodiversity data. We examined the completeness and geographical biases for all insect data on GBIF to determine its representativeness. Our results demonstrate that GBIF is far from providing a reliable representation about the global distribution of insects. Despite the growing number of records during the last years, few spatial units are well-surveyed. At coarse resolutions, 34% of the world terrestrial cells lack data and barely 0.5% have completeness values above 90%. Insects are crucial in many ecological functions, and their alarming decline makes it more pressing to have a representative sample to improve our predictive capacity. However, the dynamic nature of species distributions and the strength of anthropogenic forces call for immediate conservation decisions that cannot wait for the empirical data on the identity and distribution of insects.
公開日 2023-3-31
DOI 10.1111/syen.12589
IF 3.909
GBIF Butterflie Specimens of Yamaguchi prefectural Yamaguchi Museum Chironomid Specimen records in the Chironomid DNA Barcode Database. Insect Specimens of Ibaraki University (Faculty of Science) Insect specimens of Himeji City Science Museum Insect specimens of Otaru Museum Insect specimens of Kaizuka City Museum of Natural History Insect specimens of Rikuzen-Takata City Museum Insect specimens of Iwate Prefectural Museum Insect specimens of Toyota City Nature Sanctuary Insect Specimens of Kitami Region Museum of Science History and Art Ogasawara DNA barcode database Insect specimens of Obihiro Centennial City Museum Specimen based records and geographic locations of carabid beetles (Coleoptera) collected mainly by Dr. Kazuo Tanaka Insect specimens of Yonezawa Insectarium Entomological Specimens of Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo Pref., Japan Insect specimens of Sagamihara City Museum Lepidoptera collection of National Museum of Nature and Science Insect specimens of Kushiro City Museum Odonata Specimens of Yamaguchi prefectural Yamaguchi Museum Lepidoptera specimen database of Japan Akita Prefectural Museum, Insect Collection Insect Specimens deposited in the Saga Pref., Space and Science Museum, JAPAN Insect Collection of Yokosuka City Museum Echigo-Matsunoyama Museum of Natural Science, Usuke Shiga butterfly collection Insect specimens of Oiso Municipal Museum Insect Collection of Saitama Museum of Natural History Ibaraki Nature Museum, Arthropoda collection Insect specimens of Kashihara City Museum of Insect Insect specimens of Omogo Mountain Museum Hymenopteran specimen database of Osaka Museum of Natural History Coleoptera specimen database of Osaka Museum of Natural History Lepidoptera specimen database of Osaka Museum of Natural History Insects specimen database of Osaka Museum of Natural History Marine invertabrate(ARTHROPODA) specimen database of Osaka Museum of Natural History Itami City Museum of Insects Zoological specimens of Gifu Prefectural Museum Insecta specimens of Okutama Visitor Center, Tokyo Insecta Specimens of Kawasaki Municipal Science Museum Insect specimens of Ryukyu University Museum (Fujukan) Orthoptera collection of Hiratsuka City Museum Gunma Museum of Natural History, Insect Specimen Insect Collection of Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba Insecta collection of Museum of Natural and Environmental History, Shizuoka Coleoptera Specimens of Yamaguchi prefectural Yamaguchi Museum Odonata collection of National Museum of Nature and Science Lepidopterous specimens of Yamagata Prefectural Museum Insect specimens of Tokushima Prefectural Museum Insect specimens of Hokkaido University Hymenoptera collection of National Museum of Nature and Science Hokkaido University Coleoptera Collection NIAES Coleoptera Specimen Database Specimen-based records of geometrid, pyralid, and crambid moths (Lepidoptera) with location information from the collection of Dr. Hiroshi Inoue Hymenoptera Specimens of Yamaguchi prefectural Yamaguchi Museum Diptera Specimens of Yamaguchi prefectural Yamaguchi Museum Ground Beetle of Japan Specimen Database Insect specimens of Komatsu City Museum Insect specimens of Toyama Science Museum