RRC ID 74380
Author Taleski M, Chapman K, Novák O, Schmülling T, Frank M, Djordjevic MA.
Title CEP peptide and cytokinin pathways converge on CEPD glutaredoxins to inhibit root growth.
Journal Nat Commun
Abstract C-TERMINALLY ENCODED PEPTIDE (CEP) and cytokinin hormones act over short and long distances to control plant responses to environmental cues. CEP and cytokinin pathway mutants share phenotypes, however, it is not known if these pathways intersect. We show that CEP and cytokinin signalling converge on CEP DOWNSTREAM (CEPD) glutaredoxins to inhibit primary root growth. CEP inhibition of root growth was impaired in mutants defective in trans-zeatin (tZ)-type cytokinin biosynthesis, transport, perception, and output. Concordantly, mutants affected in CEP RECEPTOR 1 showed reduced root growth inhibition in response to tZ, and altered levels of tZ-type cytokinins. Grafting and organ-specific hormone treatments showed that tZ-mediated root growth inhibition involved CEPD activity in roots. By contrast, root growth inhibition by CEP depended on shoot CEPD function. The results demonstrate that CEP and cytokinin pathways intersect, and utilise signalling circuits in separate organs involving common glutaredoxin genes to coordinate root growth.
Volume 14(1)
Pages 1683
Published 2023-3-27
DOI 10.1038/s41467-023-37282-6
PII 10.1038/s41467-023-37282-6
PMID 36973257
PMC PMC10042822
MeSH Arabidopsis* / metabolism Cytokinins* / metabolism Gene Expression Regulation, Plant Glutaredoxins / genetics Glutaredoxins / metabolism Peptides / metabolism Plant Roots / metabolism Plant Shoots / metabolism
IF 12.121
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pst11057 psi00082 psi00305