RRC ID 75042
Author Chu SL, Sudo K, Yokota H, Abe K, Nakamura Y, Tsai MD.
Title Human induced pluripotent stem cell formation and morphology prediction during reprogramming with time-lapse bright-field microscopy images using deep learning methods.
Journal Comput Methods Programs Biomed
Abstract BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE:Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) represent an ideal source for patient specific cell-based regenerative medicine; however, efficiency of hiPSC formation from reprogramming cells is low. We use several deep-learning results from time-lapse brightfield microscopy images during culture, to early detect the cells potentially reprogramming into hiPSCs and predict the colony morphology of these cells for improving efficiency of culturing a new hiPSC line.
METHODS:Sets of time-lapse bright-field images are taken to track reprogramming process of CD34+ cells biologically identified as just beginning reprogramming. Prior the experiment, 9 classes of templates with distinct cell features clipped from microscopy images at various reprogramming stages are used to train a CNN model. The CNN is then used to classify a microscopy image as probability images of these classes. Probability images of some class are used to train a densely connected convolutional network for extracting regions of this class on a microscopy image. A U-net is trained to segment cells on the time-lapse images in early reprogramming stage during culture. The segmented cells are classified by the extracted regions to count various types of cells appearing in the early reprogramming stage for predicting the identified cells potentially forming hiPSCs. The probability images of hiPSC classes are also used to train a spatiotemporal RNN for predicting the future hiPSC colony morphology of the potential cells.
RESULTS:Experimental results show the prediction (before 7 days after of beginning of the reprogramming) achieved 0.8 accuracy, and 66% of the identified cells under different culture conditions, predicted as forming, finally formed hiPSCs. The predicted hiPSC images and extracted colonies on the images show the prediction for future 1.5 days achieved high accuracy of hiPSC colony areas and image similarity.
CONCLUSIONS:Our study proposes a method using several deep learning models to efficiently select the reprogramming cells possibly forming hiPSCs and to predict the shapes of growing hiPSC colonies. The proposed method is expected to improve the efficiency when establishing a new hiPSC line culture.
Volume 229
Pages 107264
Published 2023-2-1
DOI 10.1016/j.cmpb.2022.107264
PII S0169-2607(22)00645-9
PMID 36473419
MeSH Cell Differentiation Deep Learning* Humans Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells* / metabolism Microscopy Time-Lapse Imaging
Cord blood stem cells for research CD34+