RRC ID 76007
Author Maicas M, Jimeno-Martín Á, Millán-Trejo A, Alkema MJ, Flames N.
Title The transcription factor LAG-1/CSL plays a Notch-independent role in controlling terminal differentiation, fate maintenance, and plasticity of serotonergic chemosensory neurons.
Journal PLoS Biol
Abstract During development, signal-regulated transcription factors (TFs) act as basal repressors and upon signalling through morphogens or cell-to-cell signalling shift to activators, mediating precise and transient responses. Conversely, at the final steps of neuron specification, terminal selector TFs directly initiate and maintain neuron-type specific gene expression through enduring functions as activators. C. elegans contains 3 types of serotonin synthesising neurons that share the expression of the serotonin biosynthesis pathway genes but not of other effector genes. Here, we find an unconventional role for LAG-1, the signal-regulated TF mediator of the Notch pathway, as terminal selector for the ADF serotonergic chemosensory neuron, but not for other serotonergic neuron types. Regulatory regions of ADF effector genes contain functional LAG-1 binding sites that mediate activation but not basal repression. lag-1 mutants show broad defects in ADF effector genes activation, and LAG-1 is required to maintain ADF cell fate and functions throughout life. Unexpectedly, contrary to reported basal repression state for LAG-1 prior to Notch receptor activation, gene expression activation in the ADF neuron by LAG-1 does not require Notch signalling, demonstrating a default activator state for LAG-1 independent of Notch. We hypothesise that the enduring activity of terminal selectors on target genes required uncoupling LAG-1 activating role from receiving the transient Notch signalling.
Volume 19(7)
Pages e3001334
Published 2021-7-1
DOI 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001334
PMID 34232959
PMC PMC8289040
MeSH Animals Binding Sites Caenorhabditis elegans / cytology Caenorhabditis elegans / metabolism* Caenorhabditis elegans Proteins / physiology* Cell Differentiation / physiology* Cell Lineage DNA-Binding Proteins / physiology* Receptors, Notch / physiology Serotonergic Neurons / cytology Serotonergic Neurons / metabolism* Serotonin / metabolism Transcription Factors / metabolism*
C.elegans tm2279