RRC ID 76173
Author Gajic Z, Kaur D, Ni J, Zhu Z, Zhebrun A, Gajic M, Kim M, Hong J, Priyadarshini M, Frøkjær-Jensen C, Gu S.
Title Target-dependent suppression of siRNA production modulates the levels of endogenous siRNAs in the Caenorhabditis elegans germline.
Journal Development
Abstract Despite the prominent role of endo-siRNAs in transposon silencing, their expression is not limited to these 'nonself' DNA elements. Transcripts of protein-coding genes ('self' DNA) in some cases also produce endo-siRNAs in yeast, plants and animals. How cells distinguish these two populations of siRNAs to prevent unwanted silencing of active genes in animals is not well understood. To address this question, we inserted various self-gene or gfp fragments into an LTR retrotransposon that produces abundant siRNAs and examined the propensity of these gene fragments to produce ectopic siRNAs in the Caenorhabditis elegans germline. We found that fragments of germline genes are generally protected from production of ectopic siRNAs. This phenomenon, which we termed 'target-directed suppression of siRNA production' (or siRNA suppression), is dependent on the germline expression of target mRNA and requires germline P-granule components. We found that siRNA suppression can also occur in naturally produced endo-siRNAs. We suggest that siRNA suppression plays an important role in regulating siRNA expression and preventing self-genes from aberrant epigenetic silencing. This article has an associated 'The people behind the papers' interview.
Volume 149(16)
Published 2022-8-15
DOI 10.1242/dev.200692
PII 276082
PMID 35876680
PMC PMC9481970
MeSH Animals Caenorhabditis elegans* / genetics Caenorhabditis elegans* / metabolism Caenorhabditis elegans Proteins* / genetics Caenorhabditis elegans Proteins* / metabolism Germ Cells / metabolism Humans RNA Interference RNA, Double-Stranded / metabolism RNA, Small Interfering / genetics RNA, Small Interfering / metabolism
C.elegans tm1396