RRC ID 76244
Author Miller HA, Huang S, Dean ES, Schaller ML, Tuckowski AM, Munneke AS, Beydoun S, Pletcher SD, Leiser SF.
Title Serotonin and dopamine modulate aging in response to food odor and availability.
Journal Nat Commun
Abstract An organism's ability to perceive and respond to changes in its environment is crucial for its health and survival. Here we reveal how the most well-studied longevity intervention, dietary restriction, acts in-part through a cell non-autonomous signaling pathway that is inhibited by the presence of attractive smells. Using an intestinal reporter for a key gene induced by dietary restriction but suppressed by attractive smells, we identify three compounds that block food odor effects in C. elegans, thereby increasing longevity as dietary restriction mimetics. These compounds clearly implicate serotonin and dopamine in limiting lifespan in response to food odor. We further identify a chemosensory neuron that likely perceives food odor, an enteric neuron that signals through the serotonin receptor 5-HT1A/SER-4, and a dopaminergic neuron that signals through the dopamine receptor DRD2/DOP-3. Aspects of this pathway are conserved in D. melanogaster. Thus, blocking food odor signaling through antagonism of serotonin or dopamine receptors is a plausible approach to mimic the benefits of dietary restriction.
Volume 13(1)
Pages 3271
Published 2022-6-7
DOI 10.1038/s41467-022-30869-5
PII 10.1038/s41467-022-30869-5
PMID 35672307
PMC PMC9174215
MeSH Aging Animals Caenorhabditis elegans* / genetics Caenorhabditis elegans Proteins* / genetics Caenorhabditis elegans Proteins* / metabolism Dopamine / metabolism Drosophila melanogaster / metabolism Longevity / genetics Odorants Receptors, Dopamine / metabolism Serotonin / metabolism
C.elegans tm1392