RRC ID 77607
Author Nakamura A, Muroi Y, Ishii T.
Title Locus Coeruleus-Noradrenergic Neurons Regulate Stress Coping During Subchronic Exposure to Social Threats: A Characteristic Feature in Postpartum Female Mice.
Journal Cell Mol Neurobiol
Abstract Stress-coping strategies have been implicated in depression. The control of stress coping may improve the symptom and higher prevalence of depression during the postpartum period in women. However, the neuronal mechanisms underlying stress coping remain to be fully elucidated in postpartum women. In this study, we examined how locus coeruleus-noradrenergic (LC-NA) neurons, which have been associated with both stress coping and depression, regulate changes in coping style induced by subchronic exposure to unfamiliar male mice as a social threat in postpartum female mice. In contrast to virgin females, dams exposed to unfamiliar males daily for four consecutive days showed reduced immobility duration in the forced swim test, indicating that exposure to unfamiliar males decreased passive stress coping in dams. Exposure to unfamiliar males also decreased sucrose palatability in the sucrose preference test and suppressed the crouching behavior in the maternal care test but did not affect anxiety-like behavior in the hole-board test in dams. In fiber photometry analyses, LC-NA neurons showed differential activity between dams and virgin females in response to unfamiliar males. Chemogenetic inhibition of LC-NA neurons during exposure to unfamiliar males prevented the social threat-induced decrease in immobility duration in the forced swim test in dams. Furthermore, inhibition or activation of LC-NA neurons exacerbated crouching behavior in dams. These results indicate that LC-NA neurons regulate the social threat-induced decrease in passive stress coping and relieve social threat-induced inhibition of maternal care in postpartum female mice.
Volume 43(5)
Pages 2359-2376
Published 2023-7-1
DOI 10.1007/s10571-022-01314-4
PII 10.1007/s10571-022-01314-4
PMID 36577871
MeSH Adaptation, Psychological Adrenergic Neurons* Animals Female Humans Locus Coeruleus* Male Mice Postpartum Period Sucrose
IF 3.606
Mice RBRC01297