Author |
Saito A, Tahara R, Hirose M, Kadota M, Hasegawa A, Kondo S, Kato H, Amano T, Yoshiki A, Ogura A, Kiyosawa H.
Title |
Inter-subspecies mouse F1 hybrid embryonic stem cell lines newly established for studies of allelic imbalance in gene expression.
Journal |
Exp Anim
Abstract |
Allele-specific monoallelic gene expression is a unique phenomenon and a great resource for analyzing gene regulation. To study this phenomenon, we established new embryonic stem (ES) cell lines derived from F1 hybrid blastocysts from crosses between four mouse subspecies (Mus musculus domesticus, C57BL/6; M. musculus molossinus, MSM/Ms; M. musculus, PWK; M. musculuscastaneus, HMI/Ms) and analyzed the expression levels of undifferentiated pluripotent stem cell markers and karyotypes of each line. To demonstrate the utility of our cell lines, we analyzed the allele-specific expression pattern of the Inpp5d gene as an example. The allelic expression depended on the parental alleles; this dependence could be a consequence of differences in compatibility between cis- and trans-elements of the Inpp5d gene from different subspecies. The use of parental mice from four subspecies greatly enhanced genetic polymorphism. The F1 hybrid ES cells retained this polymorphism not only in the Inpp5d gene, but also at a genome-wide level. As we demonstrated for the Inpp5d gene, the established cell lines can contribute to the analysis of allelic expression imbalance based on the incompatibility between cis- and trans-elements and of phenotypes related to this incompatibility.
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Resource |
Mice |
RBRC00657 |