RRC ID 79449
Author Awasaki T, Kimura K.
Title pox-neuro is required for development of chemosensory bristles in Drosophila.
Journal J Neurobiol
Abstract The gene pox-neuro (poxn), which encodes a possible transcriptional regulator including a paired domain, specifies the differences between monoinnervated and polyinnervated sensory organs in the embryo. A detailed analysis of this gene, and in particular, an analysis of its function in the adult sensory organs, has so far been hampered by the unavailability of loss-of-function mutations. Here, we report the isolation of loss-of-function mutations of poxn and show that the chemosensory bristles are transformed into mechanosensory bristles in mutant flies. The external morphology of putative chemosensory bristles, number of innervating neurons, and cell division pattern are all affected in the mutants, showing that poxn is strictly required for development of the adult chemosensory bristles. In addition, the formation of some precursor cells is suppressed in the mutants, suggesting that poxn is also required for formation of the precursors of chemosensory bristles.
Volume 32(7)
Pages 707-21
Published 1997-6-20
DOI 10.1002/(sici)1097-4695(19970620)32:7<707::aid-neu6>3.0.co;2-8
PII 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4695(19970620)32:7<707::AID-NEU6>3.0.CO;2-8
PMID 9183748
MeSH Animals Chemoreceptor Cells / growth & development* Drosophila Drosophila Proteins* Immunohistochemistry Mutation / genetics* Nerve Tissue Proteins / metabolism* Paired Box Transcription Factors Peripheral Nervous System / growth & development* Transcription Factors*
Drosophila DGRC#119154 DGRC#119155