Author |
Masaru Bamba, Turgut Yigit Akyol, Yusuke Azuma, Johan Quilbe, Stig Uggerhøj Andersen, Shusei Sato
Title |
Synergistic effects of plant genotype and soil microbiome on growth in Lotus japonicus
Journal |
FEMS Microbiology Ecology
Abstract |
The biological interactions between plants and their root microbiomes are essential for plant growth, and even though plant genotype (G), soil microbiome (M), and growth conditions (environment; E) are the core factors shaping root microbiome, their relationships remain unclear. In this study, we investigated the effects of G, M, and E and their interactions on the Lotus root microbiome and plant growth using an in vitro cross-inoculation approach, which reconstructed the interactions between nine Lotus accessions and four soil microbiomes under two different environmental conditions. Results suggested that a large proportion of the root microbiome composition is determined by M and E, while G-related (G, G × M, and G × E) effects were significant but small. In contrast, the interaction between G and M had a more pronounced effect on plant shoot growth than M alone. Our findings also indicated that most microbiome variations controlled by M have little effect on plant phenotypes, whereas G × M interactions have more significant effects. Plant genotype-dependent interactions with soil microbes warrant more attention to optimize crop yield and resilience.
Volume |
Published |
MeSH |
Lotus* / genetics
Lotus* / growth & development
Lotus* / microbiology
Microbiota* / genetics
Plant Roots* / growth & development
Plant Roots* / microbiology
Soil / chemistry
Soil Microbiology*
IF |
Resource |
Lotus / Glycine |
Lotus japonicus Gifu, MG11, MG20, MG46, MG56, MG63, MG67, and MG68 and Lotus burttii B- 303 |