RRC ID 80734
Author Liu C, Rex R, Lung Z, Wang JS, Wu F, Kim HJ, Zhang L, Sohn LL, Dernburg AF.
Title A cooperative network at the nuclear envelope counteracts LINC-mediated forces during oogenesis in C. elegans.
Journal Sci Adv
Abstract Oogenesis involves transduction of mechanical forces from the cytoskeleton to the nuclear envelope (NE). In Caenorhabditis elegans, oocyte nuclei lacking the single lamin protein LMN-1 are vulnerable to collapse under forces mediated through LINC (linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton) complexes. Here, we use cytological analysis and in vivo imaging to investigate the balance of forces that drive this collapse and protect oocyte nuclei. We also use a mechano-node-pore sensing device to directly measure the effect of genetic mutations on oocyte nuclear stiffness. We find that nuclear collapse is not a consequence of apoptosis. It is promoted by dynein, which induces polarization of a LINC complex composed of Sad1 and UNC-84 homology 1 (SUN-1) and ZYGote defective 12 (ZYG-12). Lamins contribute to oocyte nuclear stiffness and cooperate with other inner nuclear membrane proteins to distribute LINC complexes and protect nuclei from collapse. We speculate that a similar network may protect oocyte integrity during extended oocyte arrest in mammals.
Volume 9(28)
Pages eabn5709
Published 2023-7-14
DOI 10.1126/sciadv.abn5709
PMID 37436986
PMC PMC10337908
MeSH Animals Caenorhabditis elegans / genetics Caenorhabditis elegans Proteins* / genetics Cell Nucleus Laminin Mammals Nuclear Envelope* Oocytes Oogenesis / genetics
C.elegans tm1651