RRC ID 80737
Author Zhang X, Wang Y, Cai Z, Wan Z, Aihemaiti Y, Tu H.
Title A gonadal gap junction INX-14/Notch GLP-1 signaling axis suppresses gut defense through an intestinal lysosome pathway.
Journal Front Immunol
Abstract Gap junctions mediate intercellular communications across cellular networks in the nervous and immune systems. Yet their roles in intestinal innate immunity are poorly understood. Here, we show that the gap junction/innexin subunit inx-14 acts in the C. elegans gonad to attenuate intestinal defenses to Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 infection through the PMK-1/p38 pathway. RNA-Seq analyses revealed that germline-specific inx-14 RNAi downregulated Notch/GLP-1 signaling, while lysosome and PMK-1/p38 pathways were upregulated. Consistently, disruption of inx-14 or glp-1 in the germline enhanced resistance to PA14 infection and upregulated lysosome and PMK-1/p38 activity. We show that lysosome signaling functions downstream of the INX-14/GLP-1 signaling axis and upstream of PMK-1/p38 pathway to facilitate intestinal defense. Our findings expand the understanding of the links between the reproductive system and intestinal defense, which may be evolutionarily conserved in higher organism.
Volume 14
Pages 1249436
Published 2023-1-1
DOI 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1249436
PMID 37928537
PMC PMC10620905
MeSH Animals Caenorhabditis elegans* Caenorhabditis elegans Proteins* / genetics Caenorhabditis elegans Proteins* / metabolism Gap Junctions / metabolism Gonads* Lysosomes* / metabolism Transcription Factors / metabolism
C.elegans tm1661 tm3524 tm3394 tm3292 tm1978 tm1987