RRC ID 80847
Author Zhang Q, Li Y, Jian Y, Li M, Wang X.
Title Lysosomal chloride transporter CLH-6 protects lysosome membrane integrity via cathepsin activation.
Journal J Cell Biol
Abstract Lysosomal integrity is vital for cell homeostasis, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we identify CLH-6, the C. elegans ortholog of the lysosomal Cl-/H+ antiporter ClC-7, as an important factor for protecting lysosomal integrity. Loss of CLH-6 affects lysosomal degradation, causing cargo accumulation and membrane rupture. Reducing cargo delivery or increasing CPL-1/cathepsin L or CPR-2/cathepsin B expression suppresses these lysosomal defects. Inactivation of CPL-1 or CPR-2, like CLH-6 inactivation, affects cargo digestion and causes lysosomal membrane rupture. Thus, loss of CLH-6 impairs cargo degradation, leading to membrane damage of lysosomes. In clh-6(lf) mutants, lysosomes are acidified as in wild type but contain lower chloride levels, and cathepsin B and L activities are significantly reduced. Cl- binds to CPL-1 and CPR-2 in vitro, and Cl- supplementation increases lysosomal cathepsin B and L activities. Altogether, these findings suggest that CLH-6 maintains the luminal chloride levels required for cathepsin activity, thus facilitating substrate digestion to protect lysosomal membrane integrity.
Volume 222(6)
Published 2023-6-5
DOI 10.1083/jcb.202210063
PII 214033
PMID 37058288
PMC PMC10114921
MeSH Animals Caenorhabditis elegans* / metabolism Caenorhabditis elegans Proteins* / genetics Caenorhabditis elegans Proteins* / metabolism Cathepsin B* / metabolism Chloride Channels* / genetics Chloride Channels* / metabolism Chlorides / metabolism Intracellular Membranes / metabolism Lysosomes* / metabolism
C.elegans tm617 tm6474