RRC ID 81138
Author Mizuno N, Matsunaka H, Yanaka M, Ishikawa G, Kobayashi F, Nakamura K.
Title Natural variations of wheat EARLY FLOWERING 3 highlight their contributions to local adaptation through fine-tuning of heading time.
Journal Theor Appl Genet
Abstract We identified a large chromosomal deletion containing TaELF-B3 that confers early flowering in wheat. This allele has been preferred in recent wheat breeding in Japan to adapt to the environment. Heading at the appropriate time in each cultivation region can greatly contribute to stabilizing and maximizing yield. Vrn-1 and Ppd-1 are known as the major genes for vernalization requirement and photoperiod sensitivity in wheat. Genotype combinations of Vrn-1 and Ppd-1 can explain the variation in heading time. However, the genes that can explain the remaining variations in heading time are largely unknown. In this study, we aimed to identify the genes conferring early heading using doubled haploid lines derived from Japanese wheat varieties. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis revealed a significant QTL on the long arm of chromosome 1B in multiple growing seasons. Genome sequencing using Illumina short reads and Pacbio HiFi reads revealed a large deletion of a ~ 500 kb region containing TaELF-B3, an orthologue of Arabidopsis clock gene EARLY FLOWERING 3 (ELF3). Plants with the deleted allele of TaELF-B3 (ΔTaELF-B3 allele) headed earlier only under short-day vernalization conditions. Higher expression levels of clock- and clock-output genes, such as Ppd-1 and TaGI, were observed in plants with the ΔTaELF-B3 allele. These results suggest that the deletion of TaELF-B3 causes early heading. Of the TaELF-3 homoeoalleles conferring early heading, the ΔTaELF-B3 allele showed the greatest effect on the early heading phenotype in Japan. The higher allele frequency of the ΔTaELF-B3 allele in western Japan suggests that the ΔTaELF-B3 allele was preferred during recent breeding to adapt to the environment. TaELF-3 homoeologs will help to expand the cultivated area by fine-tuning the optimal timing of heading in each environment.
Volume 136(6)
Pages 139
Published 2023-5-26
DOI 10.1007/s00122-023-04386-y
PII 10.1007/s00122-023-04386-y
PMID 37233781
MeSH Alleles Arabidopsis* / genetics Chromosome Mapping Flowers / genetics Genotype Photoperiod Plant Breeding Quantitative Trait Loci Triticum* / genetics
Wheat KU-1817 KU-161 KU-162-2 KU-3004 KU-192 KU-3848 LPGKU2332 LPGKU2333 KT019-001 KT020-157 KT020-158 KT020-159 LPGKU2336 KU-166 LPGKU2338 KU-309 LPGKU2339 KU-333 KU-336 LPGKU2341 KU-366 KU-370 LPGKU2344 KU-371 LPGKU2345 LPGKU2351 KU-372 KU-373 KU-374 KU-405 LPGKU2307 KU-481 KU-483 KU-497 KU-504 KU-601 KU-1002 KU-1005 KU-1011 KU-1049 KU-1143 KU-1215 KU-1279 KU-1302 KU-1347 KU-1392 KU-1394 KU-1421 KU-1424 KU-1527 KU-1668 KU-1697 KU-1797 KU-3006 KU-3010 KU-3037 KU-3045 KU-3054 KU-3062 KU-3083 KU-3089 KU-3097 KU-3098 KU-3121 KU-3126 KU-3136 KU-3162 KU-3184 KU-3189 KU-3202 KU-3232 KU-3236 KU-3274 LPGKU2309 LPGKU2310 KU-3752 KU-3777 KU-3778 KU-3780 KU-3784 KU-3789 KU-3801 KU-3806 KU-3818 KU-3834 KU-3851 KU-3857 KU-3860 KU-3868 KU-4703 KU-4714 LPGKU2311 KU-4759 LPGKU2312 LPGKU2313 KU-7001 KU-7041 LPGKU2314 KU-7180 KU-7356 KU-7379 KU-7406 KU-7437 KU-7459 KU-7480 KU-7624 KU-7653 KU-7669 KU-9431 KU-9460 KU-9797 KU-9820 KU-9867 KU-10001 KU-10154 KU-10393 KU-10439 KU-10510 KU-11201 KU-11240A KU-11351 KU-11702 KU-11809 KU-11829 KU-13501 KU-13506 LPGKU2315 KU-13631 LPGKU2316 LPGKU2317 LPGKU2318 LPGKU2319 KU-1020 KU-1062 KU-1137 KU-3377 KU-3401 KU-3413 KU-3416 KU-3417 KU-3421 KU-3443 KU-3444 KU-3445 KU-152 KU-1208 KU-3063 KU-7350 KU-9873 KU-197 KU-1812 KU-1814