RRC ID 81306
Author Igarashi T, Mazevet M, Yasuhara T, Yano K, Mochizuki A, Nishino M, Yoshida T, Yoshida Y, Takamatsu N, Yoshimi A, Shiraishi K, Horinouchi H, Kohno T, Hamamoto R, Adachi J, Zou L, Shiotani B.
Title An ATR-PrimPol pathway confers tolerance to oncogenic KRAS-induced and heterochromatin-associated replication stress.
Journal Nat Commun
Abstract Activation of the KRAS oncogene is a source of replication stress, but how this stress is generated and how it is tolerated by cancer cells remain poorly understood. Here we show that induction of KRASG12V expression in untransformed cells triggers H3K27me3 and HP1-associated chromatin compaction in an RNA transcription dependent manner, resulting in replication fork slowing and cell death. Furthermore, elevated ATR expression is necessary and sufficient for tolerance of KRASG12V-induced replication stress to expand replication stress-tolerant cells (RSTCs). PrimPol is phosphorylated at Ser255, a potential Chk1 substrate site, under KRASG12V-induced replication stress and promotes repriming to maintain fork progression and cell survival in an ATR/Chk1-dependent manner. However, ssDNA gaps are generated at heterochromatin by PrimPol-dependent repriming, leading to genomic instability. These results reveal a role of ATR-PrimPol in enabling precancerous cells to survive KRAS-induced replication stress and expand clonally with accumulation of genomic instability.
Volume 14(1)
Pages 4991
Published 2023-8-17
DOI 10.1038/s41467-023-40578-2
PII 10.1038/s41467-023-40578-2
PMID 37591859
PMC PMC10435487
MeSH Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated Proteins / genetics Chromatin DNA Primase DNA-Directed DNA Polymerase Genomic Instability Heterochromatin* / genetics Humans Multifunctional Enzymes Proto-Oncogene Proteins p21(ras)* / genetics
DNA material CSII-CMV-MCS-IRES2-Bsd (RDB04385) pCMV-VSV-G-RSV-Rev (RDB04393) pCAG-HIVgp (RDB04394)