RRC ID 81593
Author Ezaki R, Sakuma T, Kodama D, Sasahara R, Shiraogawa T, Ichikawa K, Matsuzaki M, Handa A, Yamamoto T, Horiuchi H.
Title Transcription activator-like effector nuclease-mediated deletion safely eliminates the major egg allergen ovomucoid in chickens.
Journal Food Chem Toxicol
Abstract Among the major egg allergens, ovomucoid (OVM) is very stable against heat and digestive enzymes, making it difficult to remove physiochemically and inactivate allergens. However, recent genome editing technology has made it possible to generate OVM-knockout chicken eggs. To use this OVM-knockout chicken egg as food, it is important to evaluate its safety as food. Therefore, in this study, we examined the presence or absence of mutant protein expression, vector sequence insertion, and off-target effects in chickens knocked out with OVM by platinum TALENs. The eggs laid by homozygous OVM-knockout hens showed no evident abnormalities, and immunoblotting showed that the albumen contained neither the mature OVM nor the OVM truncated variant. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) revealed that the potential TALEN-induced off-target effects in OVM-knockout chickens were localized in the intergenic and intron regions. The WGS information confirmed that plasmid vectors used for genome editing were only transiently present and did not integrate into the genome of edited chickens. These results indicate the importance of safety evaluation and reveal that the eggs laid by this OVM knockout chicken solve the allergy problem in food and vaccines.
Volume 175
Pages 113703
Published 2023-5-1
DOI 10.1016/j.fct.2023.113703
PII S0278-6915(23)00105-9
PMID 36889429
MeSH Allergens / genetics Animals Chickens Egg Hypersensitivity* / genetics Female Ovomucin* Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases
Chicken / Quail RIR-Y8/NU 系 WL-G 系