RRC ID 82645
Author Sakurai H, Shiba K, Takamura K, Inaba K.
Title Immunohistochemical Characterization of Spermatogenesis in the Ascidian Ciona robusta.
Journal Cells
Abstract Animals show diverse processes of gametogenesis in the evolutionary pathway. Here, we characterized the spermatogenic cells in the testis of the marine invertebrate Ciona robusta. Ciona sperm differentiate in a non-cystic type of testis, comprising many follicles with various sizes and stages of spermatogenic cells. In the space among follicles, we observed free cells that were recognized by antibody against Müllerian inhibiting substance, a marker for vertebrate Sertoli cells. We further categorized the spermatogenic cells into four round stages (RI to RIV) and three elongated stages (EI to EIII) by morphological and immunohistochemical criteria. An antibody against a vertebrate Vasa homolog recognized a few large spermatogonium-like cells (RI) near the basal wall of a follicle. Consistent with the period of meiosis, a synaptonemal complex protein SYCP3 was recognized from early spermatocytes (RII) to early spermatids (E1). Acetylated tubulins were detected in spermatids before flagellar elongation at the RIV stage and became distributed along the flagella. Electron microscopy showed that the free cells outside the testicular follicle possessed a characteristic of vertebrate Sertoli cells. These results would provide a basis for basic and comparative studies on the mechanism of spermatogenesis.
Volume 13(22)
Published 2024-11-11
DOI 10.3390/cells13221863
PII cells13221863
PMID 39594612
PMC PMC11592721
MeSH Animals Ciona / metabolism Immunohistochemistry* Male Meiosis Sertoli Cells / cytology Sertoli Cells / metabolism Spermatids / cytology Spermatids / metabolism Spermatids / ultrastructure Spermatocytes / cytology Spermatocytes / metabolism Spermatogenesis* Spermatozoa / cytology Spermatozoa / metabolism Testis* / cytology Testis* / metabolism
C.intestinalis / (O.japonicus) Wild C. int