RRC ID 82723
Author Tokizawa M, Enomoto T, Ito H, Wu L, Kobayashi Y, Mora-Macías J, Armenta-Medina D, Iuchi S, Kobayashi M, Nomoto M, Tada Y, Fujita M, Shinozaki K, Yamamoto YY, Kochian LV, Koyama H.
Title High affinity promoter binding of STOP1 is essential for early expression of novel aluminum-induced resistance genes GDH1 and GDH2 in Arabidopsis.
Journal J Exp Bot
Abstract Malate efflux from roots, which is regulated by the transcription factor STOP1 (SENSITIVE-TO-PROTON-RHIZOTOXICITY1) and mediates aluminum-induced expression of ALUMINUM-ACTIVATED-MALATE-TRANSPORTER1 (AtALMT1), is critical for aluminum resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Several studies showed that AtALMT1 expression in roots is rapidly observed in response to aluminum; this early induction is an important mechanism to immediately protect roots from aluminum toxicity. Identifying the molecular mechanisms that underlie rapid aluminum resistance responses should lead to a better understanding of plant aluminum sensing and signal transduction mechanisms. In this study, we observed that GFP-tagged STOP1 proteins accumulated in the nucleus soon after aluminum treatment. The rapid aluminum-induced STOP1-nuclear localization and AtALMT1 induction were detected in the presence of a protein synthesis inhibitor, suggesting that post-translational regulation is involved in these events. STOP1 also regulated rapid aluminum-induced expression for other genes that carry a functional/high-affinity STOP1-binding site in their promoter, including STOP2, GLUTAMATE-DEHYDROGENASE1 and 2 (GDH1 and 2). However STOP1 did not regulate Al resistance genes which have no functional STOP1-binding site such as ALUMINUM-SENSITIVE3, suggesting that the binding of STOP1 in the promoter is essential for early induction. Finally, we report that GDH1 and 2 which are targets of STOP1, are novel aluminum-resistance genes in Arabidopsis.
Volume 72(7)
Pages 2769-2789
Published 2021-3-29
DOI 10.1093/jxb/erab031
PII 6106577
PMID 33481007
MeSH Aluminum / metabolism Aluminum / toxicity* Arabidopsis* / genetics Arabidopsis* / metabolism Arabidopsis Proteins* / genetics Arabidopsis Proteins* / metabolism Gene Expression Regulation, Plant Glutamate Dehydrogenase Plant Roots / genetics Plant Roots / metabolism Promoter Regions, Genetic Transcription Factors / metabolism
IF 5.908
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes sja05800