RRC ID 83038
Author Luigi Cao Pinna, Laure Gallien, Tommaso Jucker, Milan Chytrý, Greta La Bella, Alicia TR Acosta, Marta Carboni
Title Niche dynamics of alien plant species in Mediterranean Europe
Journal EcoEvoRxiv
Abstract Aim:Humans have spread plants globally for millennia, inadvertently causing ecological disruptions. However, biological invasions also provide a unique opportunity to study the process of niche dynamics, through which species adapt their niche when confronted with novel environments. Focusing on the Mediterranean Basin, we assessed 1) which traits favour niche dynamics, and 2) whether niche conservatism or niche shift promotes invasion success.
Location:Mediterranean Europe and the World.
Methods:We selected the 85 most widespread alien vascular plants in Mediterranean Europe and compiled data on their distribution in their native and invaded ranges. We then tested how a species' residence time, biogeographic origin, dispersal ability, functional traits and intraspecific trait variability (ITV) influence its niche dynamics following invasion. Using already published independent data, we finally assessed whether niche dynamics can explain different dimensions of invasion success (such as regional spread or local abundance).
Results:We found that niche shifts were common (71% of species) and were mostly driven by species failing to occupy all suitable environments of their invaded range (unfilling), regardless of residence time. Niche unfilling and niche expansion were more important in species with high intraspecific trait variability introduced from non-mediterranean biomes (temperate or tropical). Niche expansion was also greater in species with long-distance dispersal, bigger seeds and a narrow native niche. Interestingly, invasion success correlated more with a species’ ability to conserve its niche and residence time than with niche expansion.
Main conclusions:Niche shifts were better predicted by species traits than residence time. For example, high adaptive potential (inferred from high intraspecific trait variability) favoured niche shifts in general, and long-distance dispersal favoured niche expansion. Understanding how these traits relate to niche dynamics is important since a species' ability to conserve and fill its niche is in turn a good predictor of invasion success.
Published 2024-11-3
DOI 10.32942/x2x91g
GBIF Plant specimens of Ishikawa Museum of Natural History Plant Specimens of The Cattle Museum Long-term fauna and flora records of the experimental forests of the Forest Research Station of Hokkaido University, Japan Spermatophyte collection of Himeji City Science Museum Plant specimens of Toyota City Nature Sanctuary Spermatophyta Specimens of Kawasaki Municipal Science Museum Plant specimens of Otaru Museum Plant specimens of Komatsu City Museum The 6-7th National Survey on the Natural Environment: Vegetation Survey Vascular Plant Specimens of Yamagata Prefectural Museum Vascular plant specimens of Omachi Alpine Museum Vascular plant specimens of Akita Prefectural Museum Herbarium, University Archives and Collections, Fukushima University, Japan (FKSE) Angiospermatatophytina Collection of Saitama Museum of Natural History Plant specimens of Oiso Municipal Museum Vascular Plant Collection of Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba Herbarium Specimens of Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo Pref., Japan Ibaraki Nature Museum, Vascular Plants collection Vascular plant specimens of National Museum of Nature and Science (TNS) Plant Specimens of Kurashiki Museum of Natural History Herbarium Specimens of Tokushima Prefectural Museum, Japan Spermatophyta specimens of Iwate Prefectural Museum Vascular Plants Collection of Sagamihara City Museum Plant specimens in the Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan Plant specimens deposited in Osaka Museum of Natural History, Japan Vascular Plant Specimens of Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden Plant specimens of Kiritappu Wetland Center Vascular Plant Specimen database of Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History Gunma Museum of Natural History, Vascular Plant Specimen Vascular plants collection of Hiratsuka City Museum Plant specimens of Kushiro City Museum Herbarium Specimens of Bonin and Ryukyu Islands Vascular plant specimens of Sugadaira Research Station, Mountain Science Center, University of Tsukuba Herbarium of Shinshu University Plant specimens of Parthenon Tama Museum (PTHM) Plant specimens of Obihiro Centennial City Museum Vascular plant specimens of Nagano Environmental Conservation Research Institute, Nagano Prefecture Plant Observation Records of Japan Vascular plant specimens of The Shirakami Research Center for Environmental Sciences, Hirosaki University Plant specimens of Toyota City Nature Sanctuary (from non-museum circle) Vascular plant specimens of Toyama Science Museum