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Species Resource Title
General Microbes JCM 14041 Ancient Roman bacterium against current issues: strain Aquil_B6, Paenisporosarcina quisquiliarum, or Psychrobacillus psychrodurans?
General Microbes JCM 39171 , JCM 9394 Pyrofollis japonicus gen. nov. sp. nov., a novel member of the family Pyrodictiaceae isolated from the Iheya North hydrothermal field.
General Microbes JCM 39202 Desulfatitalea alkaliphila sp. nov., an alkalipilic sulfate- and arsenate- reducing bacterium isolated from a terrestrial mud volcano.
Prokaryotes E. coli Keio collection Developing novel antimicrobials by combining cancer chemotherapeutics with bacterial DNA repair inhibitors
Prokaryotes E. coli JW3786-KC , JW3596-KC Membrane Potential-Dependent Uptake of Cationic Oligoimidazolium Mediates Bacterial DNA Damage and Death
General Microbes JCM 19016 Changpingibacter yushuensis gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from fluvial sediment in Qinghai Tibet Plateau of China.
General Microbes JCM 34187 , JCM 34188 Isolation and characterization of tick-borne Roseomonas haemaphysalidis sp. nov. and rodent-borne Roseomonas marmotae sp. nov.
General Microbes JCM 34701 Genomic and physiological analysis of C50 carotenoid-producing novel Halorubrum ruber sp. nov.
General Microbes JCM 35080 Metabacillus rhizolycopersici sp. nov., Isolated from the Rhizosphere Soil of Tomato Plants.
General Microbes JCM34032 Halapricum desulfuricans sp. nov., carbohydrate-utilizing, sulfur-respiring haloarchaea from hypersaline lakes.
General Microbes JCM34079 , JCM34081 , JCM33896 , JCM33897 , JCM33965 Coprobacter secundus subsp. similis subsp. nov. and Solibaculum mannosilyticum gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from human feces.
General Microbes JCM39135 Characterization and phylogenomic analysis of Breznakiella homolactica gen. nov. sp. nov. indicate that termite gut treponemes evolved from non-acetogenic spirochetes in cockroaches.
General Microbes JCM33317 , JCM33319 Culturomics-based genomics sheds light on the ecology of the new haloarchaeal genus Halosegnis.
General Microbes JCM2776 , JCM5961 , JCM2952 , JCM3843 , JCM5968 , JCM1471 , JCM1112 , JCM1152 Development of a rapid and sensitive analytical system for Pseudomonas aeruginosa based on reverse transcription quantitative PCR targeting of rRNA molecules.
General Microbes JCM14121 Luteirhabdus pelagi gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the family Flavobacteriaceae, isolated from the West Pacific Ocean.
General Microbes JCM13839 Priestia veravalensis sp. nov., isolated from coastal sample.
General Microbes JCM21267 Sulfitobacter alexandrii sp. nov., a new microalgae growth-promoting bacterium with exopolysaccharides bioflocculanting potential isolated from marine phycosphere.
General Microbes JCM2120 , JCM8129 , JCM8608 , JCM8677 , JCM20024 , JCM1163 , JCM20315 Molecular Routes to Specific Identification of the Lactobacillus Casei Group at the Species, Subspecies and Strain Level.
General Microbes JCM33084 Acidithiobacillus ferrianus sp. nov.: an ancestral extremely acidophilic and facultatively anaerobic chemolithoautotroph.
General Microbes JCM33182 Nocardioides jejuensis sp. nov., isolated from soil.