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Species Resource Title
Zebrafish RIKEN WT (RW) Xenograft of human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiac lineage cells on zebrafish embryo heart.
Human and Animal Cells iPS-MEF-Ng-20D-17(APS0001) Detection of biomagnetic signals from induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes using deep learning with simulation data.
Chicken / Quail mCherry発現トランスジェニックウズラ Diverse contribution of amniogenic somatopleural cells to cardiovascular development: With special reference to thyroid vasculature
Human and Animal Cells 201B7(HPS0063) Simultaneous measurement of contractile force and field potential of dynamically beating human iPS cell-derived cardiac cell sheet-tissue with flexible electronics.
Zebrafish Tg(cmlc2:mRFP)ko07 Gap junction protein beta 4 plays an important role in cardiac function in humans, rodents, and zebrafish.
Human and Animal Cells 253G1(HPS0002) Formulation Stability of Amphiphilic Poly(γ-Glutamic Acid) Nanoparticle and Evaluation of Cardiotoxicity of NPs With Human iPSC-Derived 3D-Cardiomyocyte Tissues.
Human and Animal Cells 454E2(HPS0077) Efficient differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into cardiomyocytes on cell sorting thermoresponsive surface.
Medaka HO5 (IB188) Medaka as a model for ECG analysis and the effect of verapamil.