• 4 Hits
  • 検索条件 : 絞込み (MeSH = Photomicrography)
生物種 リソース名 タイトル
ヒト・動物細胞 WERI-Rb-1(RCB2146) , NCC-RbC-51(RCB2206) Characterization of NCC-RbC-51, an RB cell line isolated from a metastatic site.
ヒト・動物細胞 293T(RCB2202) Convergence of Lemniscal and Local Excitatory Inputs on Large GABAergic Tectothalamic Neurons.
病原微生物 IFM 46377 A new type of growth exhibited by Trimmatostroma abietis.
細胞性粘菌 S00212 , S90457 , S90465 , S90470 , Landolt #1805 , Dictyostelium oculare DB4B holotype New species of small dictyostelids from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.