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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Receptors, Erythropoietin / genetics)
Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells F-36E(RCB0776) A potent erythropoietin-mimicking human antibody interacts through a novel binding site.
Human and Animal Cells Ba/F3(RCB0805) Erythropoietin induces tyrosine phosphorylation of the interleukin-3 receptor beta subunit (betaIL3) and recruitment of Stat5 to possible Stat5-docking sites in betaIL3.
Human and Animal Cells COS-1(RCB0143) The influence of artificially introduced N-glycosylation sites on the in vitro activity of Xenopus laevis erythropoietin.
Mice RBRC00985 Cardiac remodeling in response to chronic iron deficiency: role of the erythropoietin receptor.
DNA material pUC kit EH1 (RDB01344) Growth control of genetically modified cells using an antibody/c-Kit chimera.
DNA material pco12 EGFR Human EGF receptor cDNA (RDB01276) Selection and growth regulation of genetically modified cells with hapten-specific antibody/receptor tyrosine kinase chimera.
Mice RBRC00985 Erythropoietin contrastingly affects bacterial infection and experimental colitis by inhibiting nuclear factor-κB-inducible immune pathways.
DNA material pIL-2R gamma 2 (RDB01201) Selective expansion of genetically modified T cells using an antibody/interleukin-2 receptor chimera.