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Species Resource Title
General Microbes JCM 12590 Chromosome-level genome assemblies of Cutaneotrichosporon spp. (Trichosporonales, Basidiomycota) reveal imbalanced evolution between nucleotide sequences and chromosome synteny.
Algae NIES-4077 Evidence That Inconsistent Gene Prediction Can Mislead Analysis of Dinoflagellate Genomes.
Clawed frogs / Newts Independent pseudogenizations and losses of sox15 during amniote diversification following asymmetric ohnolog evolution.
Human and Animal Cells Hepa-E1(RCB1155) Vertebrates originally possess four functional subtypes of G protein-coupled melatonin receptor.
Algae NIES-2880 , NIES-2887 Accelerated evolution associated with genome reduction in a free-living prokaryote.
Clawed frogs / Newts Gene expression and localization of two types of AQP5 in Xenopus tropicalis under hydration and dehydration.
Wheat Durum wheat genome highlights past domestication signatures and future improvement targets.
Clawed frogs / Newts Xenopus tropicalis High variability of expression profiles of homeologous genes for Wnt, Hh, Notch, and Hippo signaling pathways in Xenopus laevis.
DNA material Drosophila BAC Clone , DME (D. melanogaster) (RDB08484) , DSM (D. simulans) (RDB08485) , DSE (D. sechellia) (RDB08486) , DNB (D. ananassae) (RDB08487) , DAB (D. auraria) (RDB08488). BAC library construction and BAC end sequencing of five Drosophila species: the comparative map with the D. melanogaster genome.
Clawed frogs / Newts X. tropicalis Genome organization of the vg1 and nodal3 gene clusters in the allotetraploid frog Xenopus laevis.
General Microbes JCM 18004 Complete genome sequence of Bradyrhizobium sp. S23321: insights into symbiosis evolution in soil oligotrophs.
General Microbes JCM 2506 , JCM 2508 , JCM 2505 , JCM 2502 , JCM 2504 Bacteriophage PBC1 and its endolysin as an antimicrobial agent against Bacillus cereus.
Wheat KU-2154 , KU-2003 , KU-2811 , KU-2827 , KU-2069 , KU-20-7 , KU-20-8 , KU-2086 , KU-2106 , KU-2111 , ... The cuticular wax inhibitor locus Iw2 in wild diploid wheat Aegilops tauschii: phenotypic survey, genetic analysis, and implications for the evolution of common wheat.
Silkworms u42 , p50 Mapping and recombination analysis of two moth colour mutations, Black moth and Wild wing spot, in the silkworm Bombyx mori.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pds16090 , pds23249 , pds11722 Expression divergence of cellulose synthase (CesA) genes after a recent whole genome duplication event in Populus.
Tomato The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution.
Wheat KU-2627 , KU-2826 , KU-2087 , KU-2144 , KU-2069 , KU-2811 , KU-2100 , KU-2159 , KU-2093 Discovery of high-confidence single nucleotide polymorphisms from large-scale de novo analysis of leaf transcripts of Aegilops tauschii, a wild wheat progenitor.
Drosophila Polytene chromosomal maps of 11 Drosophila species: the order of genomic scaffolds inferred from genetic and physical maps.
Drosophila BAC library construction and BAC end sequencing of five Drosophila species: the comparative map with the D. melanogaster genome.
Silkworms Conserved synteny of genes between chromosome 15 of Bombyx mori and a chromosome of Manduca sexta shown by five-color BAC-FISH.