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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = tau Proteins / genetics)
Species Resource Title
Mice RBRC02370 Reduced progranulin increases tau and α-synuclein inclusions and alters mouse tauopathy phenotypes via glucocerebrosidase.
Mice RBRC06344 14-3-3θ Does Not Protect against Behavioral or Pathological Deficits in Alzheimer's Disease Mouse Models.
Mice RBRC02370 Spreading of Alzheimer tau seeds is enhanced by aging and template matching with limited impact of amyloid-β.
Drosophila Disulfide bond formation in microtubule-associated tau protein promotes tau accumulation and toxicity in vivo.
C.elegans tm3489 Axon Injury-Induced Autophagy Activation Is Impaired in a C. elegans Model of Tauopathy.
Mice RBRC06334 Glial activation is moderated by sex in response to amyloidosis but not to tau pathology in mouse models of neurodegenerative diseases.
Drosophila Microtubule affinity-regulating kinase 4 with an Alzheimer's disease-related mutation promotes tau accumulation and exacerbates neurodegeneration.
Mice RBRC02192 Neuronal deficiency of p38α-MAPK ameliorates symptoms and pathology of APP or Tau-transgenic Alzheimer's mouse models.
Drosophila Mask mitigates MAPT- and FUS-induced degeneration by enhancing autophagy through lysosomal acidification.
C.elegans NA Progressive neurodegeneration in C. elegans model of tauopathy.
Drosophila 7899R-2 , 8604R-1 , 8604R-2 , 3546R-1 , 8276R-2 , 8276R-3 , 1090R-1 , 1090R-2 , 10920R-2 , 10920R-3 , ... Functional screening of Alzheimer risk loci identifies PTK2B as an in vivo modulator and early marker of Tau pathology.
C.elegans Caenorhabditis elegans ptl-1(tm543) PTL-1 regulates neuronal integrity and lifespan in C. elegans.