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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Mice AND Resource = RBRC00806)
Species Resource Title
Mice RBRC00806 Loss of mTORC1 signaling alters pancreatic α cell mass and impairs glucagon secretion.
Mice RBRC00806 TMBIM6 (transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 6) enhances autophagy through regulation of lysosomal calcium.
Mice RBRC00806 Identification of novel lipid droplet factors that regulate lipophagy and cholesterol efflux in macrophage foam cells.
Mice RBRC00806 Calcium sequestration by fungal melanin inhibits calcium-calmodulin signalling to prevent LC3-associated phagocytosis.
Mice RBRC00806 TMBIM6 (transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 6) enhances autophagy and reduces renal dysfunction in a cyclosporine A-induced nephrotoxicity model.
Mice RBRC00806 Aging Differentially Affects Axonal Autophagosome Formation and Maturation.
Mice RBRC00806 Deletion of the WD40 domain of ATG16L1 exacerbates acute pancreatitis, abolishes LAP-like non-canonical autophagy and slows trypsin degradation.
Mice RBRC00806 Endonucleosis mediates internalization of cytoplasm into the nucleus.
Mice RBRC00806 Distinct adaptations revealed by unbiased proteomic analysis of autophagy cargos in the brain in PINK1 and LRRK2 models of Parkinson’s disease
Mice RBRC00806 Close association of polarization and LC3, a marker of autophagy, in axon determination in mouse hippocampal neurons.
Mice RBRC00806 Coxsackievirus B3 subversion of the autophagy pathway.
Mice RBRC00806 Brain-derived autophagosome profiling reveals the engulfment of nucleoid-enriched mitochondrial fragments by basal autophagy in neurons.
Mice RBRC00806 Live Imaging of Autophagosome Biogenesis and Maturation in Primary Neurons
Mice RBRC00806 Autophagy modulates endothelial junctions to restrain neutrophil diapedesis during inflammation.
Mice RBRC00806 Trehalose ameliorates peritoneal fibrosis by promoting Snail degradation and inhibiting mesothelial-to-mesenchymal transition in mesothelial cells.
Mice RBRC00806 Chapter 74 Microtubule-Associated Protein 1 Light Chain 3 (LC3) Isoforms in RPE and Retina.
Mice RBRC00806 Trehalose intake and exercise upregulate a glucose transporter, GLUT8, in the brain.
Mice , Human and Animal Cells RBRC00806 , Atg5^(-/-)MEF(RCB2711) , Atg5^(+/+)MEF(RCB2710) Novel Ridaifen-B Structure Analog Induces Apoptosis and Autophagy Depending on Pyrrolidine Side Chain.
Mice RBRC00806 (Pro)renin Receptor Blockade Ameliorates Heart Failure Caused by Chronic Kidney Disease.
Mice RBRC00806 Methods for Imaging Autophagosome Dynamics in Primary Neurons.