RRC ID 29990
Author Russell RR, Pittard AJ.
Title Mutants of Escherichia coli unable to make protein at 42 C.
Journal J Bacteriol
Abstract Members of a collection of mutants of Escherichia coli unable to form colonies on nutrient agar at 42 C have been characterized on the basis of their growth response to a shift from 32 to 42 C in liquid medium. Forty-four mutants, which show an abrupt, nonlethal cessation of growth when moved to the restrictive temperature, have been characterized with respect to the effect of the mutation responsible for temperature sensitivity on deoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid, and protein synthesis. In 12 mutants, the mutation causing temperature sensitivity of growth primarily affects protein synthesis, in each case through an altered aminoacyl-transfer ribonucleic acid synthetase. Mutants with temperature-sensitive glutamyl-, phenylalanyl-, and valyl-transfer ribonucleic acid synthetases have been obtained, and the genes specifying these enzymes have been mapped by conjugation and transduction. Another mutant has been shown to possess a temperature-sensitive tryptophanyl-transfer ribonucleic acid synthetase, but this is not responsible for inability to grow at 42 C on media containing tryptophan.
Volume 108(2)
Pages 790-8
Published 1971-11-1
DOI 10.1128/jb.108.2.790-798.1971
PMID 4942764
PMC PMC247142
MeSH Agar Amino Acyl-tRNA Synthetases / metabolism Bacterial Proteins / biosynthesis* Carbon Isotopes Cell-Free System Chromosome Mapping Conjugation, Genetic Culture Media DNA, Bacterial / biosynthesis Escherichia coli / enzymology Escherichia coli / growth & development Escherichia coli / isolation & purification Escherichia coli / metabolism* Genes Glutamates Hot Temperature* Leucine / metabolism Mutagens Mutation* Nitrosoguanidines Phenylalanine RNA, Bacterial / biosynthesis Thymidine / metabolism Transduction, Genetic Tritium Uracil / metabolism Valine
IF 3.006
Prokaryotes E. coli ME8709