Abstract |
This paper deals mainly with the conidium ontogenesis and phylogenesis of black yeasts such as E. jeanselmei, E. gougerotii, E. dermatitidis and E. spinifera. The conidium ontogenesis of E. jeanselmei, E. gougerotii and E. dermatitidis was almost the same. One to five annellated tips were observed through a scanning microscope at the apices of conidiogenous cells, which were bottle- or jar-shaped. Annellations on the tips looked like fringes and the conidiogenous cells of these three species were annellides. Annellated projections occurred on hyphae and annelloconidia were also produced from them. Occasionally, secondary annellides occurred from primary ones. They looked like moniliform hyphae. Daughter conidia sometimes budded directly from mother cells. The shapes and sizes of the conidia of these species were very similar to each other. The conidium ontogenesis of E. spinifera was annellidic as well. However, a single annellated tip usually occurred on an annellide. The annellated tips of the fungus were long and more than 20 annellations were observed on their walls. The conidiogenesis of the four species of Exophiala is only annellidic. There were no differences in the biological examinations except KNO3 assimilation among these four species. The growth of E. jeanselmei and E. gougerotii was poor at 37 degrees C. The GC contents of E. jeanselmei 1171, E. gougerotii B-1800, E. dermatitidis MM-7 and E. spinifera DU-3342 were 54.6, 54.6, 56.6 and 59.7%, respectively.