Author |
Ibi M, Zou P, Inoko A, Shiromizu T, Matsuyama M, Hayashi Y, Enomoto M, Mori D, Hirotsune S, Kiyono T, Tsukita S, Goto H, Inagaki M.
Abstract |
The keratin cytoskeleton performs several functions in epithelial cells and provides regulated interaction sites for scaffold proteins, including trichoplein. Previously, we found that trichoplein was localized on keratin intermediate filaments and desmosomes in well-differentiated, non-dividing epithelia. Here, we report that trichoplein is widely expressed and has a major function in the correct localization of the centrosomal protein ninein in epithelial and non-epithelial cells. Immunocytochemical analysis also revealed that this protein is concentrated at the subdistal to medial zone of both mother and daughter centrioles. Trichoplein binds the centrosomal proteins Odf2 and ninein, which are localized at the distal to subdistal ends of the mother centriole. Trichoplein depletion abolished the recruitment of ninein, but not Odf2, specifically at the subdistal end. However, Odf2 depletion inhibited the recruitment of trichoplein to a mother centriole, whereas ninein depletion did not. In addition, the depletion of each molecule impaired MT anchoring at the centrosome. These results suggest that trichoplein has a crucial role in MT-anchoring activity at the centrosome in proliferating cells, probably through its complex formation with Odf2 and ninein.