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Species Resource Title
Drosophila DGRC#119181 , DGRC#119182 COPI-mediated membrane trafficking is required for cytokinesis in Drosophila male meiotic divisions.
C.elegans tm1357 , tm2143 , tm1563 , tm5083 , tm5597 , tm3360 , tm4063 Muscleblind-1 interacts with tubulin mRNAs to regulate the microtubule cytoskeleton in C. elegans mechanosensory neurons.
Yeast Kinesin-6 Klp9 orchestrates spindle elongation by regulating microtubule sliding and growth.
Algae NIES-1968 Comprehensive ultrastructure of Kipferlia bialata provides evidence for character evolution within the Fornicata (Excavata).
Drosophila 10010Ab-1 Maelstrom coordinates microtubule organization during Drosophila oogenesis through interaction with components of the MTOC.
Yeast FY7143 , FY31851 Microtubule-mitochondrial attachment facilitates cell division symmetry and mitochondrial partitioning in fission yeast.
C.elegans tm3310 , tm3360 , tm4059 , tm4910 Mutation of NEKL-4/NEK10 and TTLL genes suppress neuronal ciliary degeneration caused by loss of CCPP-1 deglutamylase function.
Drosophila DGRC#104863 , DGRC#109126 , DGRC#109029 Novel function of N-acetyltransferase for microtubule stability and JNK signaling in Drosophila organ development.
Yeast Selective Nuclear Pore Complex Removal Drives Nuclear Envelope Division in Fission Yeast.
Zebrafish off-limit rw689 Microtubules are required for the maintenance of planar cell polarity in monociliated floorplate cells.
DNA material CSII-CMV-MCS (RDB04377) CLASP2 binding to curved microtubule tips promotes flux and stabilizes kinetochore attachments.
Tomato TOMJPF00001(Micro-Tom) , TOMJPE7376-1 , TOMJPE3936-2 , TOMJPW3695-1 , TOMJPW4375 , TOMJPW2352-1 , TOMJPW2193-1 Spatiotemporal cytoskeleton organizations determine morphogenesis of multicellular trichomes in tomato.
Drosophila DGRC#104055 , DGRC#111536 , DGRC#115285 Shot and Patronin polarise microtubules to direct membrane traffic and biogenesis of microvilli in epithelia.
Yeast FY20823 , FYP2026 Association of mitochondria with microtubules inhibits mitochondrial fission by precluding assembly of the fission protein Dnm1.
C.elegans tm6493 A Conserved Role for Girdin in Basal Body Positioning and Ciliogenesis.
C.elegans tm2841 Interplay between microtubule bundling and sorting factors ensures acentriolar spindle stability during C. elegans oocyte meiosis.
C.elegans tm2143 , tm5083 Distinct effects of tubulin isotype mutations on neurite growth in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm4006 Differential regulation of polarized synaptic vesicle trafficking and synapse stability in neural circuit rewiring in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm324 , tm4200 , tm2355 , tm2394 Intraflagellar transport delivers tubulin isotypes to sensory cilium middle and distal segments.
C.elegans tm1060 Amphiphysin 2 Orchestrates Nucleus Positioning and Shape by Linking the Nuclear Envelope to the Actin and Microtubule Cytoskeleton.