RRC ID 3673
Author Kato H, Tezuka K, Feng YY, Kawamoto T, Takahashi H, Mori K, Akagi H.
Title Structural diversity and evolution of the Rf-1 locus in the genus Oryza.
Journal Heredity (Edinb)
Abstract The Rf-1 locus in rice is agriculturally important as it restores fertility in plants with BT-type cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS). The Rf-1 locus contains several duplicated copies of the gene responsible for restoration of fertility. We analyzed the genomic structure of the Rf-1 locus in the genus Oryza to clarify the structural diversity and evolution of the locus. We identified six genes (Rf-1A to Rf-1F) with homology to Rf-1 at this locus in Oryza species with an AA genome. The Rf-1 locus structures in the rice accessions examined were very complex and fell into at least six classification types. The nucleotide sequences of the duplicated genes and their flanking regions were highly conserved suggesting that the complex Rf-1 locus structures were produced by homologous recombination between the duplicated genes. The fact that complex Rf-1 locus structures were common to Oryza species that have evolved independently indicates that a duplication of the ancestral Rf-1 gene occurred early in rice evolution and that homologous recombination resulted in the diversification of Rf-1 locus structures. Additionally, the amino acid sequences of each duplicated gene were conserved between species. This suggests that the duplicated genes in the Rf-1 locus may have divergent functions and may act by controlling mitochondrial gene expression in rice as occurs in the restoration of CMS.
Volume 99(5)
Pages 516-24
Published 2007-11-1
DOI 10.1038/sj.hdy.6801026
PII 6801026
PMID 17622268
MeSH Evolution, Molecular* Genes, Duplicate Genes, Plant Genetic Markers Genetic Variation* Genome, Plant Oryza / classification Oryza / genetics* Polymerase Chain Reaction Quantitative Trait Loci*
IF 3.436
Times Cited 23
Rice O. sativa(T0001 T0002 T0041 T0051 T0101 T0108 T0130 T0143 T0144 T0153 T0160 T0201 T0206 T0220 T0221 T0224 T0230 T0318 T0321 T0325 T0347 T0414 T0415 T0417 T0419 T0420 T0435 T0437 T0439 T0440 T0504 T0532 T0536 T0563 T0624 T0625 T0644 T0647 T0657 T0703 T0706 T0708 T0712 T0717 T0718 T0719 T0721 T0729 T0731 T0757 T0853 T0869 T0868) O. rufipogon(W0120 W1294 W1866 W2003) O. glaberrima(C0401 C0487 C0501 C0541 C0650 C0658) O.barthii (W0652) O. longistaminata(W1413 W1508) O. glumaepatula(W1169 W2199) O. meridionalis(W1625 W1635) O. latifolia(W1197 W2200) O. grandiglumis(W0613 W1194) O. officinalis(W1361) O. punctata(W514 W1924) O. minuta(W1213 W1331) O. brachyantha(W1401 W0656) O. longiglumis(W1220) O. alta(W0017) O. alta or O. latifolia(W1182) O. granulata(W0067) O. mayeriana(W1356)