RRC ID 47506
Author Satoh K, Maeda M, Umeda Y, Miyajima Y, Makimura K.
Title Detection and identification of probable endemic fungal pathogen, Cryptococcus gattii, and worldwide pathogen, Cryptococcus neoformans, by real-time PCR.
Journal Microbiol Immunol
Abstract A real-time PCR method for detection and identification of Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii was developed and evaluated using DNA from single-colony or koala nasal smears. Two TaqMan minor groove binder probes that distinguished between these species were designed corresponding to the internal sequences of the CAP59 gene for both species. The real-time PCR assay had 100% specificity, as assessed using 13 reference strains and 300 environmental strains. Twelve smear samples from healthy koalas were analyzed by direct real-time PCR. This method successfully detected C. gattii and C. neoformans in one and three koalas, respectively.
Volume 55(6)
Pages 454-7
Published 2011-6-1
DOI 10.1111/j.1348-0421.2011.00324.x
PMID 21623899
MeSH Animals Cryptococcus gattii / genetics Cryptococcus gattii / isolation & purification* Cryptococcus neoformans / genetics Cryptococcus neoformans / isolation & purification* Environmental Microbiology Fungal Proteins / genetics Mycology / methods* Nasal Mucosa / microbiology Oligonucleotide Probes / genetics Phascolarctidae / microbiology* Polymerase Chain Reaction / methods* Sensitivity and Specificity
IF 1.566
Times Cited 9
General Microbes JCM 2466 JCM 15063