RRC ID 59667
Author Fujita K, Somiya M, Kuroda S, Hinuma S.
Title Induction of lipid droplets in non-macrophage cells as well as macrophages by liposomes and exosomes.
Journal Biochem Biophys Res Commun
Abstract It has been reported that phospholipid nanoparticles (PNPs) including liposomes and exosomes could efficiently induce lipid droplets (LDs) in macrophages. However, in non-macrophage cells, the effects of PNPs on the induction of LDs have not been thoroughly investigated. In this report, we directly compared non-macrophage and macrophage cell lines in terms of LD induction by various formulation of liposomes containing phosphatidylserine and exosomes. All non-macrophage cell lines as well as macrophage cell lines tested in this study showed evident LD induction in response to these PNPs, though the efficacy of LD induction in non-macrophage cell lines varied considerably. Our results suggest that LD formation is a common and crucial response to PNPs in mammalian cells not only in macrophages but also in non-macrophage cells.
Volume 510(1)
Pages 184-190
Published 2019-2-26
DOI 10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.01.078
PII S0006-291X(19)30092-0
PMID 30678809
MeSH Animals Cell Line Exosomes / physiology* Humans Lipid Droplets / metabolism* Liposomes / chemistry Liposomes / pharmacology* Macrophages / ultrastructure* Nanoparticles / chemistry Phosphatidylserines Phospholipids
IF 2.705
Times Cited 1
Human and Animal Cells NB2a(RCB2639) 293T(RCB2202) RAW 264(RCB0535) COS-7(RCB0539)