RRC ID 64256
Author Tanaka Y, Nanasato Y, Omura K, Endoh K, Kawano T, Iwasaki T.
Title Direct protein delivery into intact plant cells using polyhistidine peptides.
Journal Biosci Biotechnol Biochem
Abstract Polyhistidine peptides (PHPs), sequences comprising only histidine residues (>His8), are effective cell-penetrating peptides for plant cells. Using PHP-fusion proteins, we aimed to deliver proteins into cultured plant cells from Nicotiana tabacum, Oryza sativa, and Cryptomeria japonica. Co-cultivation of cultured cells with fusion proteins combining maltose-binding protein (MBP), red fluorescent protein (RFP), and various PHPs (MBP-RFP-His8-His20) in one polypeptide showed the cellular uptake of fusion proteins in all plant cell lines. Maximum intracellular fluorescence was shown in MBP-RFP-His20. Further, adenylate cyclase (CyaA), a synthase of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) activated by cytosolic calmodulin, was used as a reporter for protein delivery in living cells. A fusion protein combining MBP, RFP, CyaA, and His20 (MBP-RFP-CyaA-His20) was delivered into plant cells and increased intracellular fluorescence and cAMP production in all cell lines. The present study demonstrates that PHPs are effective carriers of proteins into the intracellular space of various cultured plant cells.
Volume 85(6)
Pages 1405-1414
Published 2021-5-25
DOI 10.1093/bbb/zbab055
PII 6206858
PMID 33791772
MeSH Biological Transport Cell Line Cell Membrane / metabolism Drug Carriers / chemistry* Drug Carriers / metabolism* Histidine / chemistry* Peptides / chemistry* Peptides / metabolism* Plant Cells / metabolism* Protein Transport Recombinant Fusion Proteins / chemistry* Recombinant Fusion Proteins / metabolism
IF 1.516
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes rpc00001 rpc00031