RRC ID 68753
Author Wang X, Li X, Onuma K, Sogo Y, Ohno T, Ito A.
Title Zn- and Mg- containing tricalcium phosphates-based adjuvants for cancer immunotherapy.
Journal Sci Rep
Abstract Zn-, and Mg-containing tricalcium phosphates (TCPs) loaded with a hydrothermal extract of a human tubercle bacillus (HTB) were prepared by immersing Zn-TCP and Mg-TCP in HTB-containing supersaturated calcium phosphate solutions. The in vitro and in vivo immunogenic activities of the HTB-loaded Zn-, and Mg-TCPs (Zn-Ap-HTB and Mg-Ap-HTB, respectively) were evaluated as potential immunopotentiating adjuvants for cancer immunotherapy. The Zn-Ap-HTB and Mg-Ap-HTB adjuvants showed no obvious cytotoxicity and more effectively stimulated granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) secretion by macrophage-like cells than unprocessed HTB or HTB-loaded TCP (T-Ap-HTB) in vitro. Zn-Ap-HTB and Mg-Ap-HTB mixed with liquid-nitrogen-treated tumor tissue markedly inhibited the in vivo development of rechallenged Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) cells compared with T-Ap-HTB and the unprocessed HTB mixed liquid-nitrogen-treated tumor tissue. Zn-Ap-HTB and Mg-Ap-HTB contributed to eliciting potent systemic antitumor immunity in vivo.
Volume 3
Pages 2203
Published 2013-1-1
DOI 10.1038/srep02203
PII srep02203
PMID 23857555
PMC PMC3712317
MeSH Adjuvants, Immunologic* Animals Bacillus / chemistry Bacillus / immunology Calcium Phosphates / administration & dosage Calcium Phosphates / chemistry* Calcium Phosphates / immunology* Calcium Phosphates / toxicity Cancer Vaccines* / administration & dosage Cancer Vaccines* / chemistry Cancer Vaccines* / immunology Cancer Vaccines* / toxicity Cytokines / biosynthesis Disease Models, Animal Female Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor / biosynthesis Humans Immunotherapy* Macrophages / immunology Macrophages / metabolism Magnesium / chemistry Mice Neoplasms / immunology* Neoplasms / mortality Neoplasms / therapy* Spleen / immunology Spleen / metabolism Vaccines, Conjugate Zinc / chemistry
IF 3.998
Human and Animal Cells THP-1(RCB1189) LLC(RCB0558)