Abstract |
Glia are a diverse and essential cell type in the vertebrate nervous system. Transgenic tools and fluorescent reporter lines are critical resources to investigate how glial subtypes develop and function. However, despite the many lines available in zebrafish, the community still lacks the ability to label all unique stages of glial development and specific subpopulations of cells. To address this issue, we screened zebrafish gene and enhancer trap lines to find a novel reporter for peripheral glial subtypes. From these, we generated the gSAIzGFFD37A transgenic line that expresses GFP in neural crest cells and central and peripheral glia. We found that the gene trap construct is located within an intron of erbb3b, a gene essential for glial development. Additionally, we confirmed that GFP+ cells express erbb3b along with sox10, a known glial marker. From our screen, we have identified the gSAIzGFFD37A line as a novel and powerful tool for studying glia in the developing zebrafish, as well as a new resource to manipulate erbb3b+ cells.