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Species Resource Title
Drosophila A function of spalt major as a sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor mediates repression of knirps in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc.
Zebrafish UAS:GFP ETS transcription factor Etsrp / Etv2 is required for lymphangiogenesis and directly regulates vegfr3 / flt4 expression.
DNA material MMTD00001 (MMTD00001) Cellular-resolution gene expression profiling in the neonatal marmoset brain reveals dynamic species- and region-specific differences.
Human and Animal Cells OP9/DLL1 Generation of "Off-the-Shelf" Natural Killer Cells from Peripheral Blood Cell-Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.
Zebrafish UAS:GFP Zebrafish etv2 knock-in line labels vascular endothelial and blood progenitor cells.
C.elegans tm1446 Visualizing the organization and differentiation of the male-specific nervous system of C. elegans.
C.elegans tm548 BLMP-1 promotes developmental cell death in C. elegans by timely repression of ced-9 transcription.
Zebrafish hspGFFDMC72A Neuron and sensory epithelial cell fate is sequentially determined by Notch signaling in zebrafish lateral line development.
Zebrafish SAGFF(LF)134A, UAS:EGFP, UAS:RFP Transgenic line with gal4 insertion useful to study morphogenesis of craniofacial perichondrium, vascular endothelium-associated cells, floor plate, and dorsal midline radial glia during zebrafish development.
Human and Animal Cells AFS98(RCB4486) Differential expression of CD11c defines two types of tissue-resident macrophages with different origins in steady-state salivary glands.
C.intestinalis / (O.japonicus) Wild C. int Limited functions of Hox genes in the larval development of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis.
Clawed frogs / Newts Xenopus tropicalis Xenopus Dusp6 modulates FGF signaling to precisely pattern pre-placodal ectoderm.
Drosophila DGRC#111100 , DGRC#104055 chinmo-mutant spermatogonial stem cells cause mitotic drive by evicting non-mutant neighbors from the niche.
Drosophila DGRC#104055 A transitory signaling center controls timing of primordial germ cell differentiation.
Zebrafish Tg(gSAIzGFFD37A) , Tg(UAS:GFP) A novel gene trap line for visualization and manipulation of erbb3b+ neural crest and glial cells in zebrafish.
Zebrafish Tg(sox17:EGFP)ha01 The second pharyngeal pouch is generated by dynamic remodeling of endodermal epithelium in zebrafish.
Drosophila Recurrent NFIA K125E substitution represents a loss-of-function allele: Sensitive in vitro and in vivo assays for nontruncating alleles.
C.intestinalis / (O.japonicus) Wild C. int , Tg[MiCiPC2K]3 , Tg[MiCiPC2K]2 Neuronal identities derived by misexpression of the POU IV sensory determinant in a protovertebrate.
Zebrafish Tg(6xTcf/LefBS-miniP:d2EGFP) Visualization and exploration of Tcf/Lef function using a highly responsive Wnt/β-catenin signaling-reporter transgenic zebrafish.
C.elegans tm892 Germline inherited small RNAs facilitate the clearance of untranslated maternal mRNAs in C. elegans embryos.