RRC ID 71991
Author Bravo Núñez MA, Sabbarini IM, Eide LE, Unckless RL, Zanders SE.
Title Atypical meiosis can be adaptive in outcrossed Schizosaccharomyces pombe due to wtf meiotic drivers.
Journal Elife
Abstract Killer meiotic drivers are genetic parasites that destroy 'sibling' gametes lacking the driver allele. The fitness costs of drive can lead to selection of unlinked suppressors. This suppression could involve evolutionary tradeoffs that compromise gametogenesis and contribute to infertility. Schizosaccharomyces pombe, an organism containing numerous gamete (spore)-killing wtf drivers, offers a tractable system to test this hypothesis. Here, we demonstrate that in scenarios analogous to outcrossing, wtf drivers generate a fitness landscape in which atypical spores, such as aneuploids and diploids, are advantageous. In this context, wtf drivers can decrease the fitness costs of mutations that disrupt meiotic fidelity and, in some circumstances, can even make such mutations beneficial. Moreover, we find that S. pombe isolates vary greatly in their ability to make haploid spores, with some isolates generating up to 46% aneuploid or diploid spores. This work empirically demonstrates the potential for meiotic drivers to shape the evolution of gametogenesis.
Volume 9
Published 2020-8-13
DOI 10.7554/eLife.57936
PII 57936
PMID 32790622
PMC PMC7426094
MeSH Gene Expression Regulation, Fungal Genes, Fungal* Meiosis / genetics* Schizosaccharomyces Schizosaccharomyces pombe Proteins / genetics* Schizosaccharomyces pombe Proteins / metabolism Spores, Fungal / genetics*
IF 7.08
Yeast fy29033