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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Schizosaccharomyces pombe Proteins / metabolism)
Species Resource Title
Yeast Rapamycin Abrogates Aggregation of Human α-Synuclein Expressed in Fission Yeast via an Autophagy-Independent Mechanism.
Yeast FYP6242–FYP6246 An improved tetracycline-inducible expression system for fission yeast.
Yeast 3,3'-Diindolylmethane disrupts the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Yeast Cytoplasmic fluidization contributes to breaking spore dormancy in fission yeast.
Yeast Maintenance of meiotic crossover against reduced double-strand break formation in fission yeast lacking histone H2A.Z.
Yeast FYP3968 A scaffold lncRNA shapes the mitosis to meiosis switch.
Yeast fy29033 Atypical meiosis can be adaptive in outcrossed Schizosaccharomyces pombe due to wtf meiotic drivers.
Yeast FY7455 , FY17186 , FY29360 3,3'-Diindolylmethane induces apoptosis and autophagy in fission yeast.
Yeast Deletion of the non-essential Rpb9 subunit of RNA polymerase II results in pleiotropic phenotypes in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Yeast FY24018 Genes affecting the extension of chronological lifespan in Schizosaccharomyces pombe (fission yeast).
Yeast FY21289,FY21276 Facultative heterochromatin formation in rDNA is essential for cell survival during nutritional starvation.
Yeast FY11064(MY3141) , FY10067(MY2167) Expression of the cancer-associated DNA polymerase ε P286R in fission yeast leads to translesion synthesis polymerase dependent hypermutation and defective DNA replication.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes rpc00008 Crosstalk between H2A variant-specific modifications impacts vital cell functions.
Yeast FYP4222 , FYP4223 , FYP4224 , FYP4225 , FYP4226 , FYP4227 , FYP4228 , FYP4229 , FYP4230 , FYP4231 Heterochromatin suppresses gross chromosomal rearrangements at centromeres by repressing Tfs1/TFIIS-dependent transcription.
Yeast A complex network of interactions between mitotic kinases, phosphatases and ESCRT proteins regulates septation and membrane trafficking in S. pombe.
Yeast FY21204 Casein kinase 2 regulates telomere protein complex formation through Rap1 phosphorylation.
Yeast FY33658 Integrity of a heterochromatic domain ensured by its boundary elements.
Yeast Tripartite suppression of fission yeast TORC1 signaling by the GATOR1-Sea3 complex, the TSC complex, and Gcn2 kinase.
Yeast Two S. pombe septation phases differ in ingression rate, septum structure, and response to F-actin loss.
Yeast Lem2 and Lnp1 maintain the membrane boundary between the nuclear envelope and endoplasmic reticulum.