RRC ID 73800
Author Boda A, Varga LP, Nagy A, Szenci G, Csizmadia T, Lőrincz P, Juhász G.
Title Rab26 controls secretory granule maturation and breakdown in Drosophila.
Journal Cell Mol Life Sci
Abstract At the onset of Drosophila metamorphosis, plenty of secretory glue granules are released from salivary gland cells and the glue is deposited on the ventral side of the forming (pre)pupa to attach it to a dry surface. Prior to this, a poorly understood maturation process takes place during which secretory granules gradually grow via homotypic fusions, and their contents are reorganized. Here we show that the small GTPase Rab26 localizes to immature (smaller, non-acidic) glue granules and its presence prevents vesicle acidification. Rab26 mutation accelerates the maturation, acidification and release of these secretory vesicles as well as the lysosomal breakdown (crinophagy) of residual, non-released glue granules. Strikingly, loss of Mon1, an activator of the late endosomal and lysosomal fusion factor Rab7, results in Rab26 remaining associated even with the large glue granules and a concomitant defect in glue release, similar to the effects of Rab26 overexpression. Our data thus identify Rab26 as a key regulator of secretory vesicle maturation that promotes early steps (vesicle growth) and inhibits later steps (lysosomal transport, acidification, content reorganization, release, and breakdown), which is counteracted by Mon1.
Volume 80(1)
Pages 24
Published 2023-1-4
DOI 10.1007/s00018-022-04674-8
PII 10.1007/s00018-022-04674-8
PMID 36600084
PMC PMC9813115
MeSH Animals Drosophila* / metabolism Drosophila Proteins / metabolism Lysosomes / metabolism Salivary Glands / metabolism Secretory Vesicles* / metabolism rab GTP-Binding Proteins* / metabolism
IF 6.496
Drosophila 11926R-1