Author |
Miyake N, Nagai T, Suga H, Osuka S, Kasai T, Sakakibara M, Soen M, Ozaki H, Miwata T, Asano T, Kano M, Muraoka A, Nakanishi N, Nakamura T, Goto M, Yasuda Y, Kawaguchi Y, Miyata T, Kobayashi T, Sugiyama M, Onoue T, Hagiwara D, Iwama S, Iwase A, Inoshita N, Arima H, Kajiyama H.
Abstract |
Prolactin (PRL), a hormone involved in lactation, is mainly produced and secreted by the lactotrophs of the anterior pituitary (AP) gland. We previously reported a method to generate functional adrenocorticotropic hormone-producing cells by differentiating the AP and hypothalamus simultaneously from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). However, PRL-producing cells in the induced AP have not been investigated. Here, we confirmed the presence of PRL-producing cells and evaluated their endocrine functions. We differentiated pituitary cells from human iPSCs using serum-free floating culture of embryoid-like aggregates with quick reaggregation (SFEB-q) method and evaluated the appearance and function of PRL-producing cells. Secretion of PRL from the differentiated aggregates was confirmed, which increased with further culture. Fluorescence immunostaining and immunoelectron microscopy revealed PRL-producing cells and PRL-positive secretory granules, respectively. PRL secretion was promoted by various prolactin secretagogues such as thyrotropin-releasing hormone, vasoactive intestinal peptide, and prolactin-releasing peptide, and inhibited by bromocriptine. Moreover, the presence of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive dopaminergic nerves in the hypothalamic tissue area around the center of the aggregates connecting to PRL-producing cells indicated the possibility of recapitulating PRL regulatory mechanisms through the hypothalamus. In conclusion, we generated pituitary lactotrophs from human iPSCs; these displayed similar secretory responsiveness as human pituitary cells in vivo. In the future, this is expected to be used as a model of human PRL-producing cells for various studies, such as drug discovery, prediction of side effects, and elucidation of tumorigenic mechanisms using disease-specific iPSCs. Furthermore, it may help to develop regenerative medicine for the pituitary gland.