RRC ID 74400
Author Hiro Nakamura, Tamao Hisano, Md. Mahfuzur Rahman, Takehiko Tosha, Mikako Shirouzu, Yoshitsugu Shiro
Title Structural basis for heme detoxification by an ATP-binding cassette–type efflux pump in gram-positive pathogenic bacteria
Journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Abstract Bacterial pathogens acquire heme from the host hemoglobin as an iron nutrient for their virulence and proliferation in blood. Concurrently, they encounter cytotoxic-free heme that escapes the heme-acquisition process. To overcome this toxicity, many gram-positive bacteria employ an ATP-binding cassette heme-dedicated efflux pump, HrtBA in the cytoplasmic membranes. Although genetic analyses have suggested that HrtBA expels heme from the bacterial membranes, the molecular mechanism of heme efflux remains elusive due to the lack of protein studies. Here, we show the biochemical properties and crystal structures of Corynebacterium diphtheriae HrtBA, alone and in complex with heme or an ATP analog, and we reveal how HrtBA extracts heme from the membrane and releases it. HrtBA consists of two cytoplasmic HrtA ATPase subunits and two transmembrane HrtB permease subunits. A heme-binding site is formed in the HrtB dimer and is laterally accessible to heme in the outer leaflet of the membrane. The heme-binding site captures heme from the membrane using a glutamate residue of either subunit as an axial ligand and sequesters the heme within the rearranged transmembrane helix bundle. By ATP-driven HrtA dimerization, the heme-binding site is squeezed to extrude the bound heme. The mechanism sheds light on the detoxification of membrane-bound heme in this bacterium.
Volume 119
Published 2022-7-5
DOI 10.1073/pnas.2123385119
PMID 35767641
PMC PMC9271180
MeSH Adenosine Triphosphatases* / chemistry Adenosine Triphosphate / metabolism Bacterial Proteins* / chemistry Corynebacterium diphtheriae* / enzymology Heme* / metabolism Membrane Transport Proteins* / chemistry Protein Conformation Protein Multimerization
Prokaryotes E. coli JW0451