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Species Resource Title
Pathogenic bacteria V. parahaemolyticus Co-component signal transduction systems: Fast-evolving virulence regulation cassettes discovered in enteric bacteria.
Human and Animal Cells Meth-A(RCB0464) Roles of the ribosomal protein S19 dimer and chemically induced apoptotic cells as a tumor vaccine in syngeneic mouse transplantation models.
Human and Animal Cells THP-1(RCB1189) The lysosome rupture-activated TAK1-JNK pathway regulates NLRP3 inflammasome activation.
C.elegans tm2417 Molecular basis for PICS-mediated piRNA biogenesis and cell division.
C.elegans tmC5 Allele-specific mitochondrial stress induced by Multiple Mitochondrial Dysfunctions Syndrome 1 pathogenic mutations modeled in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Prokaryotes E. coli JW0451 Structural basis for heme detoxification by an ATP-binding cassette–type efflux pump in gram-positive pathogenic bacteria
Human and Animal Cells NALM-6(RCB1933) A variant in human AIOLOS impairs adaptive immunity by interfering with IKAROS.
Silkworms d36 , f38 , n22 , n70 , p53 , a60 , c51 , d17 , l311 , n17 , ... Stable trimer formation of spike protein from porcine epidemic diarrhea virus improves the efficiency of secretory production in silkworms and induces neutralizing antibodies in mice.
Human and Animal Cells Mv.1.Lu(NBL-7)(RCB0996) Dimer Interface in Natural Variant NK1 Is Dispensable for HGF-Dependent Met Receptor Activation.
Human and Animal Cells HeLa(RCB0007) Morphological change of cell membrane by interaction with domain-swapped cytochrome c oligomers.
Human and Animal Cells 293T(RCB2202) , K562(RCB1897) Development of FRET-based indicators for visualizing homophilic trans interaction of a clustered protocadherin.
DNA material CSII-CMV-MCS-IRES2-Bsd (RDB04385) Oncogenic TPM3-ALK activation requires dimerization through the coiled-coil structure of TPM3.
Human and Animal Cells CW-2(RCB0778) Co-occurring gain-of-function mutations in HER2 and HER3 modulate HER2/HER3 activation, oncogenesis, and HER2 inhibitor sensitivity.
Human and Animal Cells PK-1(RCB1972) , KLM-1(RCB2138) Role of Dimerized C16orf74 in Aggressive Pancreatic Cancer: A Novel Therapeutic Target.
Silkworms Functional binding of E-selectin to its ligands is enhanced by structural features beyond its lectin domain.
Drosophila Disulfide bond formation in microtubule-associated tau protein promotes tau accumulation and toxicity in vivo.
Human and Animal Cells 293(RCB1637) , COS-7(RCB0539) Intracellular artificial supramolecules based on de novo designed Y15 peptides.
C.elegans A conserved cysteine-based redox mechanism sustains TFEB/HLH-30 activity under persistent stress.
Human and Animal Cells Colon-26(RCB2657) Circadian Clock in a Mouse Colon Tumor Regulates Intracellular Iron Levels to Promote Tumor Progression.
DNA material , Human and Animal Cells pCMV-VSV-G (RDB04392) , pCMV-VSV-G-RSV-Rev (RDB04393) , pCAG-HIVgp (RDB04394) , HCT116(RCB2979) Caspase cleavage releases a nuclear protein fragment that stimulates phospholipid scrambling at the plasma membrane.