RRC ID 77839
Author Kim HJ, Park JH, Kim HC, Kim CW, Kang I, Lee HK.
Title Blood monocyte-derived CD169+ macrophages contribute to antitumor immunity against glioblastoma.
Journal Nat Commun
Abstract Infiltrating tumor-associated macrophages (TAM) are known to impede immunotherapy against glioblastoma (GBM), however, TAMs are heterogeneous, and there are no clear markers to distinguish immunosuppressive and potentially immune-activating populations. Here we identify a subset of CD169+ macrophages promoting an anti-tumoral microenvironment in GBM. Using single-cell transcriptome analysis, we find that CD169+ macrophages in human and mouse gliomas produce pro-inflammatory chemokines, leading to the accumulation of T cells and NK cells. CD169 expression on macrophages facilitates phagocytosis of apoptotic glioma cells and hence tumor-specific T cell responses. Depletion of CD169+ macrophages leads to functionally impaired antitumor lymphocytes and poorer survival of glioma-bearing mice. We show that NK-cell-derived IFN-γ is critical for the accumulation of blood monocyte-derived CD169+ macrophages in gliomas. Our work thus identifies a well-distinguished TAM subset promoting antitumor immunity against GBM, and identifies key factors that might shift the balance from immunosuppressive to anti-tumor TAM.
Volume 13(1)
Pages 6211
Published 2022-10-20
DOI 10.1038/s41467-022-34001-5
PII 10.1038/s41467-022-34001-5
PMID 36266311
PMC PMC9585054
MeSH Animals Brain Neoplasms* / metabolism Glioblastoma* / metabolism Glioma* / pathology Humans Killer Cells, Natural Macrophages / metabolism Mice Monocytes / metabolism Tumor Microenvironment
IF 12.121
Mice RBRC04395