RRC ID 80836
Author Abay-Nørgaard S, Tapia MC, Zeijdner M, Kim JH, Won KJ, Porse B, Salcini AE.
Title Inter and transgenerational impact of H3K4 methylation in neuronal homeostasis.
Journal Life Sci Alliance
Abstract Epigenetic marks and associated traits can be transmitted for one or more generations, phenomena known respectively as inter- or transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. It remains unknown if genetically and conditionally induced aberrant epigenetic states can influence the development of the nervous system across generations. Here, we show, using Caenorhabditis elegans as a model system, that alteration of H3K4me3 levels in the parental generation, caused by genetic manipulation or changes in parental conditions, has, respectively, trans- and intergenerational effects on H3K4 methylome, transcriptome, and nervous system development. Thus, our study reveals the relevance of H3K4me3 transmission and maintenance in preventing long-lasting deleterious effects in nervous system homeostasis.
Volume 6(8)
Published 2023-8-1
DOI 10.26508/lsa.202301970
PII 6/8/e202301970
PMID 37225426
PMC PMC10209521
MeSH Animals Caenorhabditis elegans* / genetics Epigenome* Epigenomics Homeostasis / genetics Methylation
C.elegans tm1905 tm1200