RRC ID 81679
Author Hashizume R, Fujii H, Mehta S, Ota K, Qian Y, Zhu W, Drobizhev M, Nasu Y, Zhang J, Bito H, Campbell RE.
Title A genetically encoded far-red fluorescent calcium ion biosensor derived from a biliverdin-binding protein.
Journal Protein Sci
Abstract Far-red and near-infrared (NIR) genetically encoded calcium ion (Ca2+ ) indicators (GECIs) are powerful tools for in vivo and multiplexed imaging of neural activity and cell signaling. Inspired by a previous report to engineer a far-red fluorescent protein (FP) from a biliverdin (BV)-binding NIR FP, we have developed a far-red fluorescent GECI, designated iBB-GECO1, from a previously reported NIR GECI. iBB-GECO1 exhibits a relatively high molecular brightness, an inverse response to Ca2+ with ΔF/Fmin  = -13, and a near-optimal dissociation constant (Kd ) for Ca2+ of 105 nM. We demonstrate the utility of iBB-GECO1 for four-color multiplexed imaging in MIN6 cells and five-color imaging in HEK293T cells. Like other BV-binding GECIs, iBB-GECO1 did not give robust signals during in vivo imaging of neural activity in mice, but did provide promising results that will guide future engineering efforts. SIGNIFICANCE: Genetically encoded calcium ion (Ca2+ ) indicators (GECIs) compatible with common far-red laser lines (~630-640 nm) on commercial microscopes are of critical importance for their widespread application to deep-tissue multiplexed imaging of neural activity. In this study, we engineered a far-red excitable fluorescent GECI, designated iBB-GECO1, that exhibits a range of preferable specifications such as high brightness, large fluorescence response to Ca2+ , and compatibility with multiplexed imaging in mammalian cells.
Volume 31(10)
Pages e4440
Published 2022-10-1
DOI 10.1002/pro.4440
PMID 36173169
PMC PMC9518226
MeSH Animals Biliverdine* / metabolism Biosensing Techniques* Calcium / metabolism Carrier Proteins HEK293 Cells Humans Ions Luminescent Proteins / chemistry Mice
DNA material pCAG-iBB-GECO1 (RDB20303) pCaMKII-iBB-GECO1 (RDB20304) pCAGGS (RDB08938)