RRC ID 82135
Author Chow T, Humble W, Lucarelli E, Onofrillo C, Choong PF, Di Bella C, Duchi S.
Title Feasibility and barriers to rapid establishment of patient-derived primary osteosarcoma cell lines in clinical management.
Journal iScience
Abstract Osteosarcoma is a highly aggressive primary bone tumor that has seen little improvement in survival rates in the past three decades. Preclinical studies are conducted on a small pool of commercial cell lines which may not fully reflect the genetic heterogeneity of this complex cancer, potentially hindering translatability of in vitro results. Developing a single-site laboratory protocol to rapidly establish patient-derived primary cancer cell lines (PCCL) within a clinically actionable time frame of a few weeks will have significant scientific and clinical ramifications. These PCCL can widen the pool of available cell lines for study while patient-specific data could derive therapeutic correlation. This endeavor is exceedingly challenging considering the proposed time constraints. By proposing key definitions and a clear theoretical framework, this evaluation of osteosarcoma cell line establishment methodology over the past three decades assesses feasibility by identifying barriers and suggesting solutions, thereby facilitating systematic experimentation and optimization.
Volume 27(9)
Pages 110251
Published 2024-9-20
DOI 10.1016/j.isci.2024.110251
PII S2589-0042(24)01476-7
PMID 39286504
PMC PMC11403063
Human and Animal Cells NOS-1(RCB1032) NOS-2(RCB1033) NOS-10(RCB2348)